5 Tips for Parents to Help Their Kids Wrap Up the School Quarter

The end of the quarter is wrapping up shortly if you have a child in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) or elsewhere where the quarter is ending soon.

In order to finish the quarter strong and avoid unnecessary hassles in sorting out missing assignments and what is truly missing or not, taking a few steps today can make things go more smoothly when the quarter concludes and grades get finalized.

  1. Check Canvas Together: Sit with your child or teen today and review Canvas. Identify any missing assignments that they can still make up. Make a list. Also list out any assignments showing as missing in Canvas that are not truly missing (i.e., turned in on paper).
  2. Review StudentVue/ParentVue: Do the same thing with StudentVue/ParentVue.
  3. Make a Completion Plan: Encourage your child/teen to make a plan for completing any outstanding assignments this week based on the final date given to turn in assignments.
  4. Contact Teachers About Errors: Recommend your child/teen contact their teacher (s) about any assignments showing as missing that are not. This could be your child/teen sending an email or making a note to ask the teacher about it tomorrow.
  5. Check-In Midweek: Check in with your child/teen tomorrow about the status of things and if they forget to ask, urge them to email their teacher after school to avoid a further delay in following up.

These tips can help avoid issues when grades are finalized.

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