To some, this may seem like a strange question when your primary focus over the past eight plus weeks has been trying to cope as effectively as possible and stay afloat with work, childcare/remote learning, financially, and keep everyone in your family healthy. In fact, this may even appear to be beyond the scope of what you can process in the moment, especially if you are under significant stress because of the items mentioned above or due to other items.
However, trying to find positives in the current pandemic can be one healthy coping mechanism. Thus, if you find yourself with any extra time, need something to think about instead of watching the news or scrolling through your phone on social media, or get even a small desire to take better care of yourself, think about or better yet try writing out answers to these questions:
- What are you learning about yourself during the Covid-19 Pandemic?
- How are you growing as a person?
Here are some possible examples of answers to get you thinking if needed:
What are you learning about yourself during the Covid-19 Pandemic?
- The true importance of flexibility in daily life
- I enjoy more leisurely mornings
- Not liking it when little stressors build up
- I am good at entertaining myself
- I enjoy wearing shorts and no shoes during the work day when working at home.
- I look good with grey hair.
- The importance of putting kids first before non-essential work items.
- The role that the emotional responses of parents have on how their kids react emotionally to situations.
How are you growing as a person?
- Learning to not get as bothered by little things.
- Increased attention to fostering learning for fun in children
- Greater focus on health with eating and exercising.
- Better organization of things in the kitchen.
- More family activities.
- Cooking more frequently.
- My hair is growing longer due to not being able to get a haircut (but worth it to keep everyone safe).
- Better ability to shift back and forth quickly between work and caring for children
- Developing deeper and more personal connections with co-workers
Like many formative experiences in life, such as high school, college, first romantic breakup, birth of a child, first job, or death of a pet, the pandemic may be another experience to be able to look back on in the future. By focusing on what you are learning about yourself and how you are growing as a person, you can come out of the pandemic potentially as a better version of yourself than the one that you went into it with.
Copyright 2020 Carey Heller, Psy.D.
*Disclaimer: The previous information is intended as general guidance based on my professional opinion, does not constitute an established professional relationship, and should not replace the recommendations of a psychologist or other licensed professional with whom you initiate or maintain a professional relationship*
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